Cultural Center "Ivan Vazov" Str.

The municipality of Plovdiv in 1985 appoints a team of architects, headed by Kiril Delev to make a project for the tranpofmation of the existing warehouses into a Multifunctional Cultural Center. The plans is to have Exhibition Gallery "Children drawing" with five exhibition halls; Puppet theater and huge hall, outdoor theater. The team of architect. Kiril Delev included as a consultant prof. Arch P. Berbenliev and the architects J. Deleva and Kl. Metchkuev. Together they create great conceptual design for the renovation of two warehouses of Dimitar Kudoglu and other two, located on St. Exarch Joseph. The digitized projects are provided by the family of Arch. Kliment Metchkuev. The models are photographed by Eng. Dessislav Merakov. The CV of arch. Delev and the material  we received from his son, arch. Roussi Delev.

(1934 – 2007)

  • 4 january 1934  born in Sofia
  • 1952 graduates with honour the High-School for Construction „Hristo Botev” – Sofia
  • 1959 graduates with honour the Architectural Faculty of  ЕCI - Sofia
  • 1959 – 1960 works as designer in Kustendil and Hranproject - Sofia
  • 1960 – 1980 works consecutively in IDA Glavproject and the Municipality of Tunisia (1966 - 1969).  Participates in designer groups of arch. Kalin Boyadzhiev, Hristo Kovachev and Nikola Nikolov.
  • 1980 – 1985 manages Directorate Urbanization and Directorate Territorial programming and urban planning in the headquarter of Architecture and Urbanisation of Capital People’s Council
  • 1985 – 1988 Vice Director and Manager of Unit Design of Scientific Research and Design Institute
    1988 – 1991 Manager atelier in SRDI Interproject of the International Academy of Architecture (IАА) and part-time Assistant of Chair Public Buildings - HIAC (1988 - 1989)
  • 1991 – 1994 Manager department in  National Centre of Territorial Development and Residential Policy
  • 1994 – 2007 freelancer, Manager atelier
  • 10 May 2007 ends his earthly and artistic journey at age of 73-years

Find the full biographical data for arch Delev HERE


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