When: 29 October, 9 am – 5.30 pm
Where: SKLAD in the Tobacco City at 16 Ekzarh Yosif Str, 4th floor
CULPEER4Change is a project for training in the fields of culture and mutual education with a focus on fighting climate change, upholding the rights of children, managing migration and addressing refugee problems.
Part of the project is a conference in Plovdiv dedicated to good teaching practices. The event takes place in conjunction with Nafsi Africa, an organisation dedicated to the inclusion and integration of children in risk environments from Nairobi, Kenia. Nafsi Africa will stage a performance on man’s impact on climate as well as a workshop featuring acrobatics, dances and percussions.
CULPEER4Change is coordinated by the International Development department of the city hall in Cologne, Germany, which is also the beneficiary of the project’s work. Bulgarian organisers are the Foundation for the Development of Cultural and Business Potential of the Civic Society, and Plovdiv Municipality. The project is funded under the EuropeAID programme. The presentation in Plovdiv is associated with the programme of Plovdiv 2019.