When: 2 – 30 October 2019

Where: SKLAD at 16 Ekzarh Yosif Str. in the Tobacco City.

Opening on 2 October at 7pm.

Opening Hours: Tue – Sun, 11am – 7pm.

Free entry.

Europe in Bulgarian" presents culture from Bulgaria in a poster exhibition. Each poster contains a Cyrillic word. Every word is related to a specific dignity of the Bulgarian culture, which is worth sharing. The opera voices, the atmosphere, the art, the history, the archaeology, the ideas from Bulgaria and other world-famous accomplishments are interpreted in new posters created by graphic designers from the art platform platform.

Why Cyrillic? The Cyrillic alphabet is the third official alphabet in the European Union and the basic identification code for Bulgarian culture and spirituality.

Some of the words in the project "Europe in Bulgarian" are collected from the 'Grafonetika' project, which presented the similarity between the pronunciation and the writing of certain words in the European languages. For example opera, duet, idea, museum, atmosphere, utopia, technology, aesthetics, Europe, album. Thus, some concepts related to the qualities and character of the Bulgarian culture are communicated through European cultural codes such as
the similar words in the languages of the Balkan Peninsula and English, German, French or Spanish.

The project is a production of Plakat Kombinat.

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