Love Swing Dance Festival  2019

The Love Swing Dance Festival is an international fete for swing dancing and culture. It has two editions in Plovdiv - in the autumn of 2018 and in 2019. Part of the project is also the short film 'I Charleston Plovdiv', which reveals Plovdiv's beauty and unique spirit and is accompanied by the happy rhythms and dances of Bulgarian Lind Hoppers.

Love Swing Dance Festival (3 6  October 2019)

The festival's second edition will take place from 3rd to 6th October 2019. In its four-day programme, the festival will include open-air swing lessons led by some of the world's best instructors; international dance competitions and world performers; dance evenings; evening parties to music from the 1920s; a city tour with live music and dancing.

 Visit for full and detailed information, registration and ticketing

Where :

  • Training and Parties – SKLAD (Tobacco City, 16 Ekzarh Yosif Str)
  • Competitions – Drama Theatre Plovdiv

Target audience -  All residents of Plovdiv and guests of the city, regardless of gender and ethnicity, with young and active hearts.

LiveStream Balkan Lindy Hop Championships 2018:

 Visit for full and detailed information, registration and ticketing

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